My Facebook Fans are pretty awesome, and smart, and let me tell you, CREATIVE!!!    (If you haven’t joined up yet, you can check it out here!)

I posted a little challenge today, offering up this photo of 2 large tractor rims, and asked people to post their best ideas for what these could be upcycled into.   Y’all came up with some AMAZINGLY AWESOME ideas!!  Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Cut them in half and make hanging hammock chairs
  • Wall shelving unit
  • Hang mason jars from it to make a chandelier
  • Weld them together and add pallet wood to create seating
  • Fire pit
  • Planter
  • And of course, a big old yellow bra for Madonna!   (ha ha)

This just goes to show, that when it comes to upcycling, the sky is the limit.  There is no right and wrong answer!

We had a ton of great, super creative responses, yet out of 30+ responses on that post, no one suggested the piece of furniture that these rims actually became!   There is nearly unlimited options when you get some cool piece of whatever, and turn those creative juices on!

So without further ado…   check out the cool transformation these rims underwent, and what they ended up becoming!






Check out the full tutorial, details and “how to” over at!

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