Hope you are all enjoying a blustery start to the New Year (that is unless you live in the nicer more temperate areas of the country/world).

Its been snowing at our house going on 2 days now.   We’ve got about 14″ of snow and it doesn’t look like it will be stopping anytime soon.   While this has been a welcome respite from the crazy week of Christmas, the kids are starting to get a little stir crazy and our house has become an indoor playground, and has disaster signs to show for it.

So I suggested we dig out the craft supplies and find some fun activities to pass the time.   I figured what better time than to put together a top list of some of the best crafts and snow day activities!   As a rule of thumb in picking these, since they are “snow day” crafts, I did try to select crafts that wouldn’t require you to go to a store to get the materials.


So here are our top 15 awesome snow day crafts (as voted on by myself and my kids)!!!    🙂   Click on the photos to be taken to the full tutorial.


1.   Snowman Lightbulb Ornaments

(Or paint them like penguins!) – Did you hear that incandescent light bulbs are no longer being sold as of Jan 1?   Lets put those outdated bulbs to good use!

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1b.  Silver doily decorated light bulbs 

This one looks awesome, but I have a feeling this one might be a lot harder to do than the picture describes, due to the difficulty in actually wrapping a doily around a lightbulb without getting wierd creases. I’m pretty sure this one would end up a craftfail if I tried it  – but the picture looks awesome.

If anyone actually tries these with success, will you comment and post pictures?    Would love to try these on a non-snow day (don’t have any paper doilies in the house currently).



2.   Make Your Own Snowglobes – with your kids as the star!



3.  Make a craft organizer for the NEXT Snow day

If you live in the midwest, you can never be too prepared!



4.  Snowman Snow Depth Measurer

These are made from paint stirrers – genius!

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5.  Make Strawberry Snow Ice Cream!

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6.  3D Paper Snowflakes




7.  Sweater Cozies for Candles

Who says a kids craft can’t be one that you actually put on your mantle???   🙂




8.  Icicle Stick Wreath

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9.  Coffee Filter Wreaths

Swap out the burlap roses for red ones for Valentines day perhaps??




10.  Popsicle stick snowflakes

(Can you even tell they are made from popsicle sticks??)



11.  Make a Snowman Slam Game

Double the fun – entertain your kids with a craft followed by their own game!

snowman slam game



12.  Pinecone Winter Fairies

Perfect for any princess, my daughter is obsesses with these!)




13.  DIY Robot Masks

Or whatever your kids want them to be


14.  Borax Crystalled Snowflakes

Gorgeous but two caveats – takes overnight to make them, and requires Borax, so unless you have that at home it might require a trip out (which is a no-go on a snow day) – but if you’ve got it, they are well worth the wait!



15.  And finally, this is the one we’re working on today…    the Paper Mache Igloo!!



Stay warm, and have fun out there today!!


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