This is an awesome idea for a super easy to do craft – great for kids or for the DIY challenged – and the final result is pretty fab!   There are a couple of different ways you can do these, depending on the look you want.

Probably the cheapest/easiest, is to go to Goodwill and get some old canvas paintings/art that come with a cool looking frame.   You’re going to paint over the majority of the canvas, so as long as the colors in the background will pop – you’re good to go.

The other option, is to take blank canvas and glue/modge podge cool paper (music sheets, vintage book pages, newspaper, old magazines) to the canvas and then paint over that.

canvascollage1  IMG_0157

For full instructions, check out this link – the write up and inspiration for this project is pretty awesome, so go check out Southern Belle Soul, Mountain Bride Heart!




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